Sick Puffer Fish


New Member
My puffer has recently overcame ICH disease and all of the bumps have recently disappeared. However at this time he is getting pretty pale and stays on the bottom of the tank all of the time with his mouth open breathing very shallow and quickly. Is there anyone out there that can help me with this? Is it something bacterial or some sort of infection? Any help will be great. Thanks!


What are you water parameters? How did you treat the puffer for ich? Any other signs aside pale and labored breathing? Are there any other fish in the tank?


Well-Known Member
Sam: How did your puffer "overcome ICH". Was it treated with hypo, or copper? Was the display treated or left without verte3brates for several weeks? Ich has a nasty way of coming back unless it is properly treated, and one of its manifestations can be primarily in the gills, producing some of the symptoms you are seeing. Another potential problem is that the puffer might be suffering from a secondary infection brought on by the weakened state of the fish as it fought off the ich primary infection. I would put the fish into a qt and treat with a general antibiotic...and hope for the best. Also, watch carefully for re-emergence of ich.


Yes, we need to know how he was treated and what your water readings are. Bacterial infections usually come with red marks. Post a picture or give specific details.