sick puffer


Well recently my puffer fish has been developing some problems and become a lot less active. I've got him quarantined in a 20 gallon right now (he's really small) and am trying to figure out what I should do with him. He doesn't appear to have any ich spots at all on him which I wouldn't really expect him to because I already treated my display tank for that, but I'm noticing that his fins look a bit frayed. They aren't meshed really by any means but it looks like the ends of them were almost eaten away. He's also been breathing really hard and lays on the live rock and is getting a bit skinner. He still has been eating though and I've been trying to feed him a variety of healthy foods in order to keep him healthy. When I took him out of my display I thought maybe there was a nitrite or ammonia problem but all my results came down to 0. I wish I could get a picture of his fins but I lent my camera to my brother last week and haven't gotten it back yet. Anyone have any advice of what I should do with this little guy? He's been out of my display for 2 days now and none of my other fish are experiencing any problems so I really don't know what's wrong with him.


Staff member
Is there a chance that he is suffering from aggression from another fish in the display? The fins could be from nipping.
What and how often are you feeding? How long have you had this fish? Is your QT well cycled?


Its a QT that I try to keep up always plus I got some extra filter media in my sump that I put in just for some extra bacteria when I have to use it. Mmm I have a miniatus grouper and two eels and they tend to only be aggressive when they are feeding but I try to spot feed my fish so that they have to compete over food to avoid any aggression problems, but I don't know what goes on with them when I'm not home. I bought the puffer at the end of summer and he's the only new addition to the tank that I've gotten since then so I've had him for maybe 2 months or a little more.
I only feed my fish about 3x a week to keep there from being too much for the bio load and what I usually feed them is a mix I make of krill, uncooked shrimp and silver strides mixed with garlic that I mince fresh as well as selcon. I give him hard shelled shrimp to occasionally to wear his teeth down too. What I did do about a week ago is get my fish some fresh clams that I bought from the grocery store that I broke open and put in the tank for them to eat as I hear its good to try to stimulate fish by giving them some more natural food, but I never really connected it with being a problem with him. It's kinda hard to explain the little holes on the end of his fins. They aren't like a big chunk or anything gone but just little slits in the fins less than a MM long in two of his fins. It kinda looks like someone took a pin and poked a few holes in the end of his fins.


He's been swimming around more since I put him in the QT but he still looks like he is out of breath. I've got 2 5 gallon jugs of RODI water and one already mixed with salt once I figure out what I gotta do with him. I just don't understand what he's so exhausted.


Active Member
I would treat him with a broad spectrum antibiotic.......such as Maracyn-TC Broad-spectrum antibiotic tetracycline.
or similar


Staff member
Ok, I believe fish should eat daily, even twice a day. Fish naturally graze for food constantly in their natural habitat, that is what the hobbyist should simulate. Also, puffers do need hard shelled foods, such as uncooked, shelled shrimp.
Increase the diet now, if he will eat, daily.
You can begin antibiotics using Maracyn Two for Saltwater Fish.
How big is your display tank?


90 but all my fish are small right now. I've got a 250 gallon with overflow in my basement that I'm setting up once I move out this January. I just don't want to move all of my moms things around to set it up (or make her pay the electricity to run it) for the 2 months that I'm going to be here. My puffers been actually doing a bit better. He's been getting more energy and his fins are healing, yet he still seems to be breathing very hard.


Staff member
I'm thinking that he was suffering from aggression in the other tank, and what you described did sound like that. I suggest feeding him, as I said above, and soak meaty food in fresh garlic just prior to feeding.
If he hasn't substantially improved by tomorrow try the antibiotic I mention above.


I fed him some hard shell shrimp soaked with garlic that I minced earlier today. He's still breathing a bit hard, but his fins are looking better and he isn't resting on the pvc pipe like he was 2 days ago. I bought the medicine on the way home from work and I'll just see if he gets better over night and if not try using it like you said.