Sick Puffer


Hello, I have a porcurpine puffer (2-3 inches) around a month, he been doing very well but last sunday just stop eating, don't swim just keep on the bottom, he lost his color, fast breathing, I usualy feed him with brine srhimp,gosht shirmp, guppies, krill.
I put him on my qt with maracyn and copper
I got 55 g FOWLR whit volitan medium, humu picasso,2 anemones, feather duster, pencil urchin, 2 brittle star and several snails.
I don't know what else to do, I hope somebody can help me
thank you


Staff member
Stop the copper unless you actually see a parasite. I would recommend continuing the Maracyn. Also do hyposalinity at this point. The procedure for hyposalinity is detailed in the FAQ Thread.
What are the water readings in your display? Including nitrates, pH.


My parameters are: ammonia-0,nitrite-0,ph-8.3,nitrato-25,salinity-1.022, my volitan and trigger are great, by the way my puffer start swiming a little bit more but still don't eat, How long I have to keep him in my qt?


yes beth, I follow you recomendation about maracyn, but unfortunely my fish die last night, I did not have enogh time for hypo thank you.


Staff member
So sorry to hear that. I have never had a puffer but I really love these fish. If any fish out there can truely be called a "pet" the puffer would be it. I really love reef tanks otherwise, I would be keeping a puffer myself.
By chance, did you ever have the puffer out of water? This is a definate no-no for pufferfish. They must not inflate in captivity....the toxin has no place to go in a captive enviroment. Also, inflation means that the fish is highly stressed. Did this ever happen?
I have to tell you that ultimately a 55 is too small for this fish....seriously. Puffers will get as big as your head.


Hi thank you beth for reply, and yes i think I made a big mistake when put my puffer on my qt and when I place him on my display tank and when i put him back on myqt he inflate two or three times I relly feel bad about him, I'll take more care next time.
by the way do you relly think 55 g is too small for keep puffers? How fast they grow up?


Hey beth one more question what you think about probiotics I begin to use probiotic marine formula for disease prevention i think prevention is the key, I relly apreciatte if you have information about probiotics.