sick pufferfish


My puffer is sick, he has cloudy eyes and he's real pink around his mouth. He is also peeling around his mouth. He didn't even come up to the top of the tank when I walked in like he normally does.
i am going to set up a QT tonight. Do you think he'll make it that long? He was fine last night and ate well...he didn't eat this morning.
I have a Coral Beauty Angelfish that has some white patches on her body and I noticed them hanging around real close to each other last night-do you think he got it from the angel?
Any Suggestions are welcomed!


Staff member
How long have you had these fish and your tank? Can you post up some tank info as well as water readings?
Once the puffer is in the QT, you need to treat with Maracyn Two for Saltwater Fish. Please read the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. Because you do not have a cycled QT running you will need to keep that tank from cycling. Be prepared to do continous water changes, vaccuming, etc.


I came home from work last night and the pufferfish died.

Now the goby isn't looking hot at all and the clownfish isn't eating, the jawfish is breathing hard and my angelfish has two large white spots on it along with a bum fin. I feel like a bomb went off in my tank. I got all the materials to set up a QT last night, but since it was too late to save the puffer, I didn't get it up and running.
I have a 65 gallon tank, 0 ammonia, trates, trites, and 8.3 ph.
It is due for a cleaning this weekend.


Staff member
Yes, but extend the treatment for a day or 2. Obviously you are diluting the antibiotic when you dose anything during the process of lowering salinity. Thus reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. I would simply do the hypo for the first day, then dose before you go to bed. Finish the water change out on the 2nd day, then begin normal antibiotic treatment after you reach the target salinity on the 2nd day. [This is for obtaining hyposalinity within a 48 hr period]. If you drag out the lowering of the salinity for longer than 48 hrs, then, likewise, extend the antibiotic treatment.