I have a Royal Gramma that I got on the 12th of June. I put him in my 10 gal QT tank that's been running for approx. 3 months. There are 2 mollies that have been in there for 2 months. Amo=0, NO2=0, NO3=10 , PH=8.2, temp 80.
All seemed well with the gramma for 5 days. Then I noticed what looked like ich (a few white specks). He was also breathing harder than I seen him do before. I decided to start hypo on the night of the 18th., by the 21st I had the tank sg=1.009 using a refractometer. It was originally 1.023.
One more week went by and during that week, he ate well and was swimming normally. On the 28th or so, he isolated himself in a shell at the bottom of the tank. Some people here have said that theirs hide a lot. I was thinking that's all he was doing, even though he only did that when he was first put in the tank.
Yesterday he only came out to eat and swam irratically. Kinda darting around in the tank. Today, after he came out to eat he swam in some upward spirals and even on his back for a moment. Then he stayed at the bottom of the tank. His breating seems deep or heavy, but not fast.
I think I'm going to lose him. I really have no idea what to do about it. If anyone can help me please reply
All seemed well with the gramma for 5 days. Then I noticed what looked like ich (a few white specks). He was also breathing harder than I seen him do before. I decided to start hypo on the night of the 18th., by the 21st I had the tank sg=1.009 using a refractometer. It was originally 1.023.
One more week went by and during that week, he ate well and was swimming normally. On the 28th or so, he isolated himself in a shell at the bottom of the tank. Some people here have said that theirs hide a lot. I was thinking that's all he was doing, even though he only did that when he was first put in the tank.
Yesterday he only came out to eat and swam irratically. Kinda darting around in the tank. Today, after he came out to eat he swam in some upward spirals and even on his back for a moment. Then he stayed at the bottom of the tank. His breating seems deep or heavy, but not fast.
I think I'm going to lose him. I really have no idea what to do about it. If anyone can help me please reply