Sick Rusty Angel- But I don't know what to do

aquarius 1

I have a very sick rusty angel that looks like he's dying a terrible death. It all started about 3 weeks ago when I noticed white spots in the tank. I followed standard procedure and started lowering the salinity. But i guess not fast enough and now he's really sick with all his fins fraying and he hasn't eaten in 5 days. And worst of all he looks like he's gonna pop! He's almost doubled in width, really really bad bloating. His eyes are also cloudy but it doesn't look good. I'm not sure what to do now. I'm not so worried about him dying as I am him being comfortable. What's going to happen next? Any advice? What's wrong with him?


Staff member
What do you mean spots in the tank? You can't see ich in the tank, only on the fish.
Can you move the fish to a hopital tank? How long have you had the fish?

aquarius 1

Yes I did mean spots on the fish. I've had ick before and have lost fish to ick so I understand what I was dealing with but this weird bloating is something I've never seen before. I've had the fish for about 3 months and during those months he's been absolutely fine. A great eater and a very sociable fish. Water parameters have remained constant and acceptable levels and somehow the fish still contacted white spot. But now it's really bloated and the scales are starting to protrude from the sides. It's really nasty to look at. If it's not something that I'll be able to cure the fish with, then I don't want to go through the trouble of setting up a hospital tank. I could do it if necessary and if you thought he had a chance. What kind of disease is this?


i know this is an old post, thank god for search, i just had the same thing happen a few mins ago, he died, he was fat, and i didn't catch whatever was wrong soon enough. coudn't tell, until i just came home and hes on his side gasping for air. there was nothing i could do to save him...
could he have a bct. inf. and his cond. what exactly like described above... ne more input on this????


Staff member
Was the fish sick for a long time or did this just happen suddenly?


pretty sure he was sick for a few days, i saw him being fat, he was hiddening under the rocks then last night he kicked the bucket. All the other fish are fine, is there ne thing i should do to the rest of them cuz of his death?


Staff member
No, not really, besides keep an eye on them to see if any problems develop.