New Member
For about 4 weeks now my sailfin tang has progressively had its fins deteriorate (extremely blunted "sail")as well as the appearance of discoloring markings around its face and eyes. From my readings, it sounds like "hole in head" disease which I thought was a nutritional problem. She eats like a horse and I've been feeding her spirulina flakes supplemented with Zoe and Zoecon as well as brine shrimp and some meatier shrimp, mussels, squid etc.
My water quality has not been a problem. In addition, I have a blue headed wrasse that has begun to show similar discoloration around his eyes as well.
Any ideas as to what is the cause and what I can do to improve things? any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
my set up: 135 gal oceanic FOWLR x13 months
fish: percula clown, stars and stripes puffer, sailfin tang, two small blue damsels, blue headed wrasse, diamond watchman goby, snowflake eel
My water quality has not been a problem. In addition, I have a blue headed wrasse that has begun to show similar discoloration around his eyes as well.
Any ideas as to what is the cause and what I can do to improve things? any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
my set up: 135 gal oceanic FOWLR x13 months
fish: percula clown, stars and stripes puffer, sailfin tang, two small blue damsels, blue headed wrasse, diamond watchman goby, snowflake eel