Sick Seabae - Please help.


New Member
I bought a seabae from, and it arrived fairly bleached, but otherwise puffed up. After a day in my tank she began to shrink. I now have her floating in a cup with holes for water flow closer to the lights.
Tank setup: 75g, 65x4 Coarlife 260w, water quality looks good.
This seems to be a common problem with Seabae.
I am wondering if I should spend 125 on a Coarlife MH Pendant?



Active Member
Originally Posted by bob_chauvin
I am wondering if I should spend 125 on a Coarlife MH Pendant?
I would say no if all you are going to have is this anenome. It will eventually find a place that it likes, and puff back up


New Member
Should I release her back to the gen pop, or wait till she looks more healthy?
Also, here is my chem test (lines to observed value). Nitrate is a bit high, but generally good.
P.S. Snails that arrived with this specimen appear dead.


I can't see the values on your test strips.
As long as there is flow in the cup it will be OK there until it acclimates itself, you may want to take it out and plce it towards the top of your rock under the light. It will move to where it wants to be.
make sure your power head intakes are all covered, nems have a nasty habit of floating right in to the blender.