sick tang?


I have a yellow tang that I have had for about a year now and seems very healthy(swims a lot,eats fine) except it seems to have a kind of bulging or bumps under his skin on his lower stomach. None of my other fish show any signs of this. It is a 75 gallon tank and I have had it running for about 4 years now and other than one case of ich there has never been any problems with any of my fish. Is this something I should be worried about? I did see him go to the bathroom last night so I don't think that is an issue. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


I could try to take one but it may be difficult to get him still. It just looks like bumps under his skin but he eats like crazy and swims as much as ever.


Active Member
It could be a variety of things. Nutrition deficiency, exposure to an irritant (too much copper, for example) , gas-bubble disease (emphysematosis), tumors, or an internal parasite, to name a few. Has your tank undergone any sort of changes lately? What do you feed him/her?


I feed the tank once a day with a variety of formula 1, formula 2, prime reef and cyclopeeze(sp?). There shouldn't be any copper in the tank as I do not add anything containing it. All the other fish and corals are fine. What is gas-bubble disease? Also,, I have not been good lately about adding seaweed on a clip to the tank but I can't imagine that would do it. I believe ther is some amounts in the formula food.