Sick Tang


Staff member
That looks like it may be HLLE [Head and Lateral Line Erosion]. Take a look at the yellow tangs in the Diseased Fish Thread at the top of this forum to confirm.
It looks like you have a DSB, right? Which should mean zero nitrite?
How long have you had this tang, what are you feeding him, and do you have a ground probe installed in tank, sump, etc?


I just got a ground probe and will hook up today. I bought an existing reef system and added my fish to it. They went from PC's to Halides and acquired some new tankmates.
I alternate feeding them formula 1 frozen and formula 1 flakes. I also put in a regular supply of seaweed sheets.


Staff member
Grounding probes need to be installed in tank, sump...any attached systems running into the tank.
I would not feed flakes. Try improving that diet with some variety. Add some meaty foods and to this, add zoecon supplements for the HLLE.


Staff member
You need one in the sump and in the tank...every place that contains water that attaches to your tank. If you had a refudgium, you would another one there, or a wet/dry. If you have a very large tank, then you need 2 probes at either end of the tank.