Sick Tang


New Member
i have a yellow eye tang or a kole tang that has a dark discoloration on its under belly. it may be getting worse. there was a trigger in the tank that did not like the tang and chased it and took bites at him. THE TRIGGER IS GONE. the tang twiches and seems to swim in circles alot. WHAT CAN THIS BE AND CAN IT BE TREATED?


Originally Posted by 6string
i have a yellow eye tang or a kole tang that has a dark discoloration on its under belly. it may be getting worse. there was a trigger in the tank that did not like the tang and chased it and took bites at him. THE TRIGGER IS GONE. the tang twiches and seems to swim in circles alot. WHAT CAN THIS BE AND CAN IT BE TREATED?
Sounds like just an aggression issue. Now that the trigger is gone, just be sure to feed the Kole quality frozen foods and dose his food with vitamines. He will be fine as long as no one else is chasing him.


Active Member
I agree, it certainly sounds like he is not feeling well due to the aggression he was forced to sustain. Make sure he is fed extra well, more often, and with vitamins in the diet.