Sick tang?


so yesterday i brought home a very large yellow tank which was missmarked, i got an 8" yellow tang for 10bucks at my LFS and after only 1 night in my 50gal, his lateral line has turned white, I planned on having him out of the tank in a week, but after only one night, the line shows up and im worried, is this the lateral line disease ive heard about? he swims and eats just fine, and some romaine and brine shrimp this morning/today, and is very active
It is a very pretty fish and i am able to take care of it once my 250 is ready, but i am worried for the health of the fish, should i take him back and have him put on hold or is this line lightening up a common thing? once i turned the lights back on it started to get darker like when i first got him, if hes sick, ill take him back, if he is just stressed, ill put him in my friends tank til mine is dne cycling
while writing this, i noticed my sailfin tang swimming very fast rubbing into the sand on the bottom, like ich, another problem because of the new tang and stress or ich? i know nothing of the diseases
here is the tang

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist,Always quarantine fish that you have newly purchased
. The reason being,you'll never know what illness a fish may have. This is not lateral line disease. Yellow tangs have this line behind the gill plate to the tail.While they (yellow tangs ) are asleep, this white line becomes more pronounced while the yellow portion of their body fades . This is normal behavior . If your other tang is rubbing any portion of its body on anything, ick is present.You'll need to buy a cleaner shrimp ,it will clean off fish that have ick without the use of medications . Check your water parameters regularly and feed your tangs formula 2 and green sea weed ,this will keep their immune system strong . Enjoy the hobby


thanks for the response, i figure after turning the lights off then on again and seeing the line fade then reappear in the dark it was normal, as for ick, its deffinately present, i watched my sailfin tang swim up to my eel and tilt as if it was expecting the eel to clean it like a cleaner wrasse or shrimp, so im going to get one of those today, i ordered a UV sterilizer which should arrive soon, i tried the garlic treatment and now my entire room reaks of it and the fish didnt like it to much, but had already eaten, so could have just been full. i also raised the heat a little bit and plan on dropping the salinity sometime today after removing the inverts


Active Member
Originally Posted by spkdtch
thanks for the response, i figure after turning the lights off then on again and seeing the line fade then reappear in the dark it was normal, as for ick, its deffinately present, i watched my sailfin tang swim up to my eel and tilt as if it was expecting the eel to clean it like a cleaner wrasse or shrimp, so im going to get one of those today, i ordered a UV sterilizer which should arrive soon, i tried the garlic treatment and now my entire room reaks of it and the fish didnt like it to much, but had already eaten, so could have just been full. i also raised the heat a little bit and plan on dropping the salinity sometime today after removing the inverts
IMO & IME; only hypo or copper will cure ich all the time. I'd re-post this in the disease section; you need to do something asap, or face the real possibility of losing all your fish.
With all due respect to Pastor B; I doubt cleaner shrimp do anything to cure ich. The white spot isn't the actual "bug"; its either dead tissue and/or a protective cyst created by the parasite. The shrimp can't reach the actual bug, and with the sheer numbers involved with an ich infestation, the shrimp couldn't possibly get enough of the ich parasites to make much difference.

pastor b.

Dear hobbyist,in response to your ick problem, some hobbyists feel that its better to use copper . I'm not against copper sulfate ,it does work ,but your bacteria levels will decline when copper is introduced to your aquarium. Hypo salinity is a good idea,but you must gradually lower your specific gravity,or you place your fish at risk. Ick is a parasite that can multiply quickly in any closed system,so you must treat this problem asap . U V sterilizers work on the ick that enter the sterilizer,but the ick that does not get into the sterilizer will go through their cycle again . Others feel that the use of garlic ,which has an ingredient that drives ick away . For those of you who may not agree, I brought a Hippo and Clown tang from a lfs ,introduced them to my aquarium ,and placed garlic onto their food for two weeks,that was two years ago. My hippo and clown are still alive and are ick free.(Hippo's and clown tangs are ick magnets) my Clown tang is 8" and my Hippo is 5". Water quality is a important in this hobby. But please,always quarantine your fish before placing them into your main tank . Enjoy the hobby


Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight...
garlic makes the fish taste bad to ich???
This I gotta try. Should I use over the counter which isn't the best strength or crush up some fresh stuff and add it it to their food. How much do I use?
My poor Hippo is always coming down with ich, slight water change, stress over a new tank mate. Me looking at him too long.
ich magnet is just the word for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pastor B.
But please,always quarantine your fish before placing them into your main tank . Enjoy the hobby

This is, perhaps, the single best piece of advice any hobbiest could ever get. Unfortunately, most of us (including me) learned the hard way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pastor B.
Dear hobbyist,in response to your ick problem, some hobbyists feel that its better to use copper . I'm not against copper sulfate ,it does work ,but your bacteria levels will decline when copper is introduced to your aquarium. Hypo salinity is a good idea,but you must gradually lower your specific gravity,or you place your fish at risk. Ick is a parasite that can multiply quickly in any closed system,so you must treat this problem asap . U V sterilizers work on the ick that enter the sterilizer,but the ick that does not get into the sterilizer will go through their cycle again . Others feel that the use of garlic ,which has an ingredient that drives ick away . For those of you who may not agree, I brought a Hippo and Clown tang from a lfs ,introduced them to my aquarium ,and placed garlic onto their food for two weeks,that was two years ago. My hippo and clown are still alive and are ick free.(Hippo's and clown tangs are ick magnets) my Clown tang is 8" and my Hippo is 5". Water quality is a important in this hobby. But please,always quarantine your fish before placing them into your main tank . Enjoy the hobby

If the tangs didn't have ich when you bought them and there was no ich in your tank; there simply is no way they could get ich, in spite of these fish being very susceptible to the parasite. I know a lot of folks think ich is everywhere; but I believe good research will de-bunk that myth. If you don't have ich, QT everything; you never will have it.
Regarding copper: IMO it is very effective & safe when used properly; and only in QT. I always use SeaChem Cupramine in QT and their tech dept says that the Cuprimine will damage a bio-filter somewhat, but it is generally safe and won't wipe out the bio-filter. I know from testing, that this is true. I use a HOB filter in QT and keep an extra filter sponge in a DT system. I toss the old sponge after use and put a new one, from DT, into the QT system when needed. The QT is instantly cycled and I have never found any ammonia in my QT; and I don't do WC in QT.


I had a yellow tang and a percula clown that were covered pretty good in ich, it may have just been a miracle but I added Kent Garlic Extreme to the tank and soaked the food in it and Selcon and within three days it was all cleared up. It may be all in my head but I add the Selcon and the Garlic Extreme in every feeding and my fish don't just survive they've been thriving

naclh2o nut

Originally Posted by Flower
Let me get this straight...
garlic makes the fish taste bad to ich???
This I gotta try. Should I use over the counter which isn't the best strength or crush up some fresh stuff and add it it to their food. How much do I use?
My poor Hippo is always coming down with ich, slight water change, stress over a new tank mate. Me looking at him too long.
ich magnet is just the word for it.
Please read the sticky in the disease thread. My LFS has a 10" hippo that is unbelievable. He has never had ick. If we follow through with the correct ick removal and preventive measures, our tanks can and will be ick free.