Sick tang


Active Member
My little tang has what looks like a bloody eye. And it looks like his fins are a bit ragged. He is the only fish that looks like this. I hope these pictures are good enought that you can see it.
Any thoughts are welcome and thanks,


Staff member
How long have you had this guy? And what are you feeding him? What are your water readings, as well as nitrate, phosphate?
Do you have a QT? When is the last time you did a water change?


Active Member
Now that I am looking at my tank, I think some of my fish have ick. Not all of them, just a few. I will have the water readings, soon.


Active Member
Thank you for getting back to me, and sorry it took so long to get my water results to you. Some of my readings are high, but I have been having trouble with my Ammonia, Nitrates, and Nitrites so I have been putting Amquel+ in and then someone on here told me that the amquel was why my PH was so low, so I stopped putting that in about a week ago, and I have since done 2 water changes. My water is now at
Ammonia = 4.0
Nitrates = 0
PH = 7.4
Nitrites = 5.0
As you can see, my water is still messed up, and now I think the poor fish have ICK, and the little tang has that bloody eye, and the fins on the little tang look ragged.
Sorry to type so much, I just want to make sure I tell you everything.
If you have any ideas as to what I can do, I want to thank you ahead of time.
Thank You,


Active Member
I would start doing water changes. You really need to get those ammonia and nitrite levels down. Put the tang in a quarantine if you have one or maybe you lfs could quarantine him for you. Beth can help you more.


Staff member
Ok, those water readings indicate lethal conditions. Why is the ammonia and nitrites so high?? And the pH so low? That low pH is also lethal.
What is the problem with your water? Do you have a new tank and added fish to it or something??
Give details about what is going on.
The root of the water problem issue needs to be identified and addressed. In the meantime, you should be looking for new homes for your fish and any other animals you have in that tank, as I can not imagine anything living for very long in those conditions.
Keeping the fish, means mass water changes daily.....and that may not really save them.


Active Member
This tank has been up forever, well, at least 6 months, so I have no clue why it is all messed up. I have not added any new fish for aver 2 months. The onlyy thing I can think of is that the Nitrates were alittle high, so the pet store lady told me to use AmQuel+, so I did, and then the PH went way down, and the Ammonia went way up. And now I think they have ICK, and their fins are looking rugged. I have no clue what is going on here.


Staff member
Bella: The redness you are seeing is likely due to lethal ammonia and nitrite poisonig along with shock from low pH.
My advise it to address your problem in terms of water conditions. Once that is accomplished, you can also start working on the ich.
Do you have LR or inverts in that tank?