Sick Toadstool?


Could be shedding. How long have you had it and what kind of flow is it getting? Check out the COTW: Sarcophyton thread. Got any pics?


Active Member

Originally posted by Bosox
My toadstool has yellow stuff on it....anyone got a clue what this is?

Can you give more details? Where at, discription of it and any other info. Is it on the leather itself?


New Member
Its right on the toadstool. The toadstool is large (about 8 inches across). Its patchy and the toad won't fully open. any help would be appreciated.:confused:
As stated it is difficult to say for sure without a picture but...
1. Is the yellow area on the stalk or on the cap?
If it is on the stalk and the stalk is not deteriorating then IME/O nothing to worry about.
If the spots? are on the cap then I suspect they are caused by a build up of detritus. Any time dirt, leftover food or fish waste etc. lands on the cap of the leather, it should almost immediately be blown off by current in your tank. Small amounts are cleaned from the cap when a leather sheds, but heavier deposits that are not blown off can create a "sore spot" that often turns yellow, especially on thick capped, long polyped leather varieties (almost like putting something solid and heavy on grass then when you lift it up a few days later the grass under it has yellowed but will come back with light and water :))
2. "If" this seems to be the case then adjust the flow in your tank (or add some) so that the leather is recieving enough current to keep it clean.
3. It may not be opening because it is stressed due to the "sore spots". With good current and a clean cap it should heal and be back to opening normally very quickly (1-5 days)
COTW thread
I would read through the above linked thread, it has tons of info.
But the short answer to your question would be...Do not move the leather unless you have to in order to provide the necessary current. If you move it try to keep it under the same amount of ligh it has now (*assumes under enough already) and realize the move will probably add to the stress so it may take a few extra days to open normally.
Ok maybe the not so short answer,