Sick Tomini Surgeon


Ok, I am at aloss for what to do. I have a 55 RT. inhabitants are:
1 Yellow Tang
1 Maroon Clown
1 Banana wrasse
1 Blue Devil Damsel
1 SeaBay Anonome
1 poylp Colony
1 Flame Scallop
a bnunch of crabs
40 lbs of LR (which I am contunally adding to)
and 15 or so Turbo Snails
and last by not least my Tomini Surgeon
The Tank itself is 8 weeks old, and fully cycled. I moved the environment from my 35 hex, including all rock, water, filters substrate 8 weeks ago, so the tank can be considered older than 8 weeks.
My water conditions test well. No traces of nitrates or nitrites or amonie and my PH is at 8.0.. I can confirm these results if nessicary, its been a week or so since ive tested.
Now for the story
My Tomini, about 2 weeks ago started developing what looked like a mark from the yellow tang. I thought id just keep an eye on it.. Well after two weeks of keeping an eye on it, the mark has yet to get better and recently its looking worse. His behaviour is good. He eats like a champ is fairly social with the outside world. He does rub the spot up on the rocks. He had a touch of ich in the last two has come and gone with out treatment. The attached picture showes the spot on his upperleft hand shoulder.
A: shows the big spot in question.. its kinda dark, he scales have turned up alittle near it, it seems to be swelled a touch, and has a white very faint film over it.. the film looks like a bubble sort of.
b: shows two spots that appeared this morning on his body, also dark.. I wonder if its spreading?
C: shows some cloudy spots on his fins where he had some Ich.
I do not have a QT, nor will I be getting one any time soon (Kinda Broke)..
Please Comment on what steps I might want to take to save this fish. I believe, untreated, he will die.


Staff member
There is no treatment step that you can take in a Reef Tank. How did you get rid of the ich? If you did not treat, then these spots could be embeded parasites that have trapped beneth the fish's scales.
All you can really do in tank is maintain optium environment quality and good food. You can try to add minced garlic in your fishes' food.


I did nothing for the Ich... he broke out, and i noticed it in the morning before work.... and while I considered medication it began to fall off, over the course of a few days. So i did nothing.
I think what I am going to do for this issue is introduce Kent rx-P.. its all natural, and I belive there is a better chance that this is a parasite, rather some rock or tank mate inflicted thing.
Your Thoughts?


Active Member
You are probably stocking your tank too quickly. That seems like a lot of fish for an 8 week old tank. I would recheck your readings. If you are having a mini-cycle, your fish may get sick.
Ich can seem to disappear. It will usually be back within a few weeks if it is reproducing in your tank.
A QT would eliminate the concerns about parasites.


I will admit... i do tend to stock too quick.. I have a 30 gal that is almost 1.5 years old now... i should sell the fish and set that up as my QT. I gotta talk the wife into that... Thanks for replying... What do you think of adding the Kent treatment? any thoughts? ever used it? its called Kent rx-p


Staff member
I can't really recommend those "reef safe" medications because they usually don't work. All your fish need to be treated for ich.
Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. There is a post on ICH that will give you info on why the parasite seemingly went away, when they actually did not. Also, viable treatments are detailed in that post.


New Member
Kent Rx-P was used in my 55 gallon tank when my clown fish had an outbrake of ick. I didn't have a QT at the time. I really don't think that it helped at all!!! My clown died and during the time of the treatment it seemed as though I had some snails that died as well so I really wondered how safe the Rx-P was for inverts.


About 3 of my fish has ich, so I put in 1 clove of garlic(broke it up into a few pieces), and it has been slowly going away, along with the help of a cleaner goby.
Garlic helps the immune system to fight off bacteria, etc., I strongly reccomend this.