Sick turning white clown fish


New Member
I have two clowns and one of them is swimming funny, not eating and losing color. It's mate is fine but I have a hawk that's not looking too good either. The water ammonia is spot on as is PH and Salinity is 000.18 so everything looks good. I moved home three months ago and have had two water changes, what do you think is going on?
Julian V


OK... Let's first clear up the "salinity" thing... which is most likely NOT why your clown is loosing color.
But, you either have a salinity of 18, which would be a specific gravity of 1.014
Or you have a specific of 1.018, and that can stand to be raised but as I said, that's not why your clown is loosing color.
The most common reason for a fish to loose color (when it's not sleeping of course) is malnutrition, so...whatcha feeding it??