Sick Urchin?? & Total PhotoPeriod Time??


2 Questions for you:
I've had this Black Spike urchin for quite awhile & just noticed he/she's spikes are starting to break off-quite a few. It seems fine other than that. Any comments?
Turn the actinics on 2hrs before the daylights & leave on 2hrs after daylights go off - total photoperiod time - 12hrs. This guy was telling me to do the opposite?? Said by doing it this way simulated 'high noon' for the inverts?? I was under the impression that it was better to be able to simulate a 'dawn' 'dusk' environment for your critters rather than blasting them w/bright lights all of a sudden. Thanks =)


I have a black spine urchin that did the same thing when I moved it from my 55 gal. to my 150 gal. It's still ok after at least 6 months in the 150, it just has shorter snines hehe. I've had mine for at least 2 yrs. Maybe they do this when they get bigger (just a guess).
You are right about the photo period. Actinics first to simulate dawn. I do mine 1 hour before and after for a 14 hr photo period.