Sick Wrasse help



i got my water tested about 3-4weeks ago and my nitrates were through the as soon as i got home i did a big water change as well as added an additional 20lbs of live which i desparately needed.
The first problem was i don't have nowhere enough live rock. i have a 125gallon tank and including my old lace rock from my previous freshwater set up i would say all i have is about a total of 40lb of live rock. On top of things i had brought un cured live rock unknowingly. I think thats what killed my tang and puffer, because they died a couple days after adding the uncured rock.
Now the only fish that has survived was my Saddle wrasse. For the last couple of weeks he's been alot less active and either laying down on the ground or perched high on my algae magnet close to the surface. For now my nitrates and levels are cool. How long will it take for my wrasse to get healthy seems like his sickness has affected his nervous system or something. He'll swim next to the food but not really eat it..its like he has lock jaw or this common with sick fish???????????????//


Don't ever add uncured live rock in your tank. That right there is probably what caused your nitrates to go through the roof. When you buy live rock, it must first be cured in another container. As for your wrasse, I don't know... it depends on how bad he was affected. Best thing you can do is get your water in excellent condition, make sure you have no ammonia or NitrItes and that your nitrates are low, then hope he makes it. Also make sure he's not sick of something else.


Originally Posted by RCreations
Don't ever add uncured live rock in your tank. That right there is probably what caused your nitrates to go through the roof. When you buy live rock, it must first be cured in another container. As for your wrasse, I don't know... it depends on how bad he was affected. Best thing you can do is get your water in excellent condition, make sure you have no ammonia or NitrItes and that your nitrates are low, then hope he makes it. Also make sure he's not sick of something else.
Yeah i know that...i said i brought it unknowingly at the time. I actually asked him before hand and the guy told me it was...Now i know if i come across live rock that is being sold for only $3.50lb then its a good chance its not cured. Actually my nitrates were high before i got the uncured live rock. It was mostly due to me not having a water change in awhile, and a faulty protein skimmer.