Sick Yellow Tang


New Member
Here is a picture of my yellow tang. What disease does it have? How can I cure it?


Staff member
That is Head and Lateral Line Erosion [HLLE]. It is not contagious and it is reversible.
You will want to immediately add a grounding probe to your tank, and any sump, etc., connected to the tank. What are your water readings, including nitrates and phosphates? What type of tank do you have this fish in? Reef, FO? Size of tank? What are you feeding this tang?
Take some time to do a search on HLLE here, by using the search feature at the top of the fourm, as well as by using your Internet browser. There is a wealth of information out there and you will need to become informed so that you can treat the fish on all fronts.
Take a look at the pictures in the Diseased Fish Thread located at the top of this form. You will see several fish there with this disease as well as a link to a thread here on a successful treatment for one of our members. This is treatable, and reversible.
Also, would you mind if I use your pictures to post in the Diseased Fish Thread? This will go towards helping other hobbyists id fish ailments.
Feel free to post back with questions.


Beth, just curious... why would you prompt him to add a grounding probe? Do stray electrical current influence HLLE?


Staff member

Originally posted by thedraven
Beth, just curious... why would you prompt him to add a grounding probe? Do stray electrical current influence HLLE?

Yes, exactly they do. That is the primary reason that the grounding probe for the hobby was invented. To prevent, cure HLLE.


New Member
Here is an updated picture of my sick tang.
By the way sorry 4 not replying.


Staff member
Wow, rgv, you did good! Can you just breifly outline all that you did to acheive this result!


New Member
Honestly, I'm very new to this hobby and this website, so I've been doing research and realized that everything my LFS recommended and sold me was wrong; so I increased lighting, I now have a coral life 48 inch 96X2 watt lamp. I also increased the movement in the tank with a powersweep 228. I have been consistently doing water changes with RO WATER and testing it. I also found out that I had too many fish in my tank, so I took a few out and left the Tang with a damsel for now. So I guess you could say it was the help that I got from reading this websites that made a difference. Still haven't been able to find a grounding probe. My LFS SUCKS!!!! I'm also setting up a QT tank, which I just found out is VERY IMPORTANT! So I guess I owe the improvement of my reef tank to you and this website. Thank you very much. Your knowledge is greatly appreciated.
The Medina Family:)


Staff member
Well, that is very nice of you to say. Glad to hear it. Yes, HLLE must be addressed on several fronts until the causation for the disease process is found. Frequently that could be stay voltage or a nutritional deficiency. In rare cases it might actually be a reaction to another disease process such as parasites. Obviously optimizing the living environment of fish makes for healthier specimens generally, and particularly with those fish such as tangs that are highly prone to HLLE.
Your tang's pictures and story will help many hobbyists deal with this disfiguring, but reversible disease.