sick Yellow Tang


New Member
Hello All
I purchase a yellow tang about 2 months ago and placed him in my quarantine tank. I transfered him about a month ago to my main tank( 75 gallon with a trickle system). I noticed about 2 days ago that he had small red patches on both sides by his tail. The red patchs have started to get larger and are now about covering the back parts of his body. The blotches look more rust in color(reddish). I have pictures but they are not that sharp to see the blotches. I have checked all water parameters and thet are ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrites <10, ph is 8.2, water temp 78, salinity 1.020. He seems to be acting fine and eating well. is appears he may have hlle as i do seem to see some spots arounf the head(my pump is located in the sump submerged). Any help would be appreciated, thanks


Staff member
That is a bacterial infection. What are your water readings?
Move the tang back to the QT and treat with Maracyn Two for Saltwaterfish. Make sure that you have really good water circuation in the QT during treatment.
Do a small water change just before each redose with the antibiotic.
I wonder, would you mind if I used your picture for our information thread at the top of this forum?


New Member
Thanks for the help, it is appreciated. Please feel free to use the pic, I just wish I had a better one for you.


Staff member
Thanks. So what is your plan to threat the fish? He needs to get treated soon or you may loose him.
What are your water readings?
You could try a water change first, but I think this fella is a bit far gone for that to work.


I agree with beth on this on. If it was 1 or 2 I was say some some internal bleeding but a bacterial might not be far off.
I check this from time-to-time so here is the link:
It is not the best, but I use it and this board....Beth knows her stuff.

Also as beth told me months ago (and works!) Zoecon and vitamins also.


Staff member
thetuch, if you turn off the flash on that camera [if its digital] you should be able to get better pictures. Maybe a better picture for our Disease Forum reference. Your fish is now posted.
How is he doing?