Sick Yellow Tang


I have just switched over my 55 gal. to a 75 gal. I put all that is listed below in the new tank and added a plenum another power head and a DSB. On Sunday water tested supprisingly great for the day after the switch. All inhabitants looked happy and healthy. On Monday my yellow tang had a large red spot shaped like a half moon starting at his dorsal fin and down about an inch. His fins look like something has been eating on them. My ph is 8.2 - 8.3 so I don't think that is the problem.
Let me know if you have any suggestions on what it is and how to fix it


Active Member
What are your other water parameters? I would imagine the new tank is starting to cycle. It is virually impossible to switch to a new tank and not have major perturbations that cause ammonia, etc. I assume you kept the same filters, etc, on the new tank and didn't clean them out or anything?


As of yesterday my trates were about 10 trites 0 amonia 0 and when i did the change i used about 70% old tank water the rest new RO unit saltwater, everything was in a rubbermaid temporary tank with a filter, heater, etc.
So far it seems like nothing has spiked. Beats me
I did go ahead and add some buffer yesterday just in case, because that is what the redness in the tang reminded me of earlier days when ph and alk. would get out of wak.
Thanks for the input:D