Sick Yellow tangs and not getting better

I have two yellow tangs that are sick with red streaks on the body and near the tail. I have put them in a QT with maceryn 2 as the antiboitic. They aren't looking better and it has been 4 days. One only has slight streaks and the other appears to be getting worse. I have a 20 gallon and I have placed a divider to treat them in the same tank. They don't eat much. Beside the red streaks. They look fine. I don't know what else to do. (FYI: This is second post. I thought I 'd try posting here to see if I get a different response. Sorry if this offends someone that it is posted twice... Just trying to save my fish.)


Staff member
That would be the correct treatment. Is that a well cycled QT? Also, be sure to do a small water change just before each re-dose of Maracyn2. Also, make sure that you have very good water movement in the tank.
Hi Beth, I was reading something else I think you posted. It was about doubling the dose if it is internal vs external. I am doing a single dose. I doubled it the first day per directions. Should I double it? I only have movement from the filter, (biowheel) The divider does stop the movement somewhat to the one side The tank was shut down about 3 weeks ago and then restarted with new water when I noticed I needed it. About 1/2 new and 1/2 from display tank. I haven't been doing a small water change either...didn't know. What should I use to move the water? A power head might be to much for a tank that size and a bubbler is bad. The tangs are about 5 months old to me. Other important information I can mention would be my nitrates were high in the display which started the problem. All other fish seem healthy in the display tank.
Adding pics. I will remove the sand today. I heard the meds get absorbed in the sand. I have doubled the dose of macayen 2. I have reduced the water level so it has better water flow from the biowheel filter. I don't have any other water flow in there. I also plan to get water tested today and do water changes. Anything else? It has been a week with treatment. He isn't better and looks worse.
Also, I know nutrition and nitrates are factor in this disease. It appears he is eating very small amounts of formula 1 and 2. Not grazing on seaweed. Not sure he is eating the myosis shrimp brine. It has been offered because I heard that is good for him.

Okay nitrates were higher than I'd like in my QT. Between 40 and 80. That is because I seeded the QT with water from the display tank and the display had high nitrates. The other readings were normal. I did a 75% water change. At the second LFS, yes I went to two different stores looking at for my answer, I had a DUH!!! moment. My biowheel filter has carbon in it!!!!! I had forgotten that since I don't deal with the biowheel filter as much now since I made the switch to salt. I read everything about carbon being bad for meds but forgot that this filter has it in it. I am feeling pretty confident that is the problem. So I removed the carbon filter and am treating the tangs with the meds again. I removed the sand and plan on waiting 5 days to see if they improve. I also added some more movement to the water. Keeping my fingers crossed! I guess it is a rookie mistake since I have only had a salt water tank for 5 months. I hope it is that easy!


Staff member
Oh boy, he's in bad shape. Please post up your water readings in the QT.
Anemone in QT????? This needs to be removed immediately. It will not survive antibiotics.
Go ahead and fill the QT to normal levels. Get another small pump for water movement. (This is very important at this point). Do double dose for 2 days, then report back on progress. Just before each re dose, do a small water change. Then do a re-dose. Water movement now is very important.
Did you remove the sand? You could have left it and compensated as necessary.
Okay, he looks a lot better today now that the carbon filter is out. The redness has decreased in intensity probably by half. He looks like he is eating because I know what a hungry tang looks like. However, I don't see him eating. I am dosing his food with vitamins. The water readings should be at zero because of the drastic water change I did yesterday. I will get it checked today.
OH YEAH... the amenone is fake. Just in there because I had QT a hippo tang before adding to the DT and wanted to give it some places to hide. I had that laying around. I just never took it out.
I will do a water change and add more meds later tonight. I have movement in the tank now and the sand it almost all gone.
My yellow tangs started to look worse again. I was doing everything suggested. I felt the QT water was not ideal despite the daily water changes. When I tested it, I was right. So knowing that they have been treated with antibiotic for a month and I was doubling it I figured it wasn't a disease but stress. So after talking to the LFS, I decided it was stress that was causing all of this and put them in the DT. (I had read somewhere that stress would cause tangs to get a red rash) Since my DT water levels were really good (ideal), I decided they were better off in the DT (125g) I think the QT tank was beginning to cycle (20 g).
So last night when I put them in I noticed that the looked thinner than they looked in the QT but didn't look as red. They started to swim and enjoy themselves. They seemed happy. This morning more of the red has gone away. I think if I can get them grazing instead of eating twice a day they might pull through. If you recall I was feeding them lettuce (later explained as candy to me) instead of the algae sheets so they are probably protesting wanting candy. So far I am very happy with my decision to move them. If you recall the DT, had high nitrates and ammonia levels when they first got sick. FINGERS CROSSED! I will keep you posted.
I know you might be thinking I am happy with the decision until I find all my fish sick or dead to disease but I needed to try something new. I had tried everything I found in research except getting them out of stressful situation , in ideal water with proper nutrition. I believe the QT was stressful, the water was less stable and I feed them lettuce prior which was poor nutrition.
I don't believe it! My tangs look great! There is barely any red left. I am convinced it was stress to water quality and probably poor nutrition since I was feeding them lettuce aka candy. They are eating better and getting fatter. Did have one problem that seems to be minor at this point. The stronger tang might be bullying the weaker one. I bought them at the same time and put them in together and they always got along. I added them back in together on purpose after Quaranteen but one was weaker. Today since the weakest one seems stronger the issue appears to be going away. FINGERS CROSSED again!


Staff member
Very likely that you will need to find a new home for one of the tangs. Unless you have a very large tank, they really are not going to be too happy together.
Marcyn Two is great. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pjlovesbaskets
I don't believe it! My tangs look great! There is barely any red left. I am convinced it was stress to water quality and probably poor nutrition since I was feeding them lettuce aka candy. They are eating better and getting fatter. Did have one problem that seems to be minor at this point. The stronger tang might be bullying the weaker one. I bought them at the same time and put them in together and they always got along. I added them back in together on purpose after Quaranteen but one was weaker. Today since the weakest one seems stronger the issue appears to be going away. FINGERS CROSSED again!
lettuce aka candy? as in what kind of lettuce?
I have a 125G. Will be watching. I was going to convert my 55 FW so that will be my solution if it becomes a problem. So far it is getting better. To answer the other question... I was told Romaine lettuce was like candy to tangs.