Sickness ?

bill f

I've been running for about 4 months. First 3 months just cycling with live rock. Tank was dark for about 1st 3 weeks. Tank was fully cycled.
**Any way, I got a mimic tang as first fish just to see how it going. it was ok for about 3-4 weeks. It has developed a scalping of its skin on one side of the fish. Appears the scales have been removed. Its like a rash. First noticed it about a week and a half ago and has gotten worse.
Have also added dragon goby and convict tang both are fine.
All levels are fine.
What is it and is this contageous?
Thanks for any help/advice


Staff member
Hello, and welcome to!
Please go to the FAQ Thread at the top of the forum and check out the picture of the tang that has HLLE [head and latereal line erosion]. See if that is what you are seeing.

bill f

Found the picture you were reffering to. Looks similar but it is in patches not like the lines on the tang.
Is this contageous?

bill f

Well Terry everything is right on. Temp is 76-78, Ph 8.2, nitirite 0, nitrate 0, amonnia 0+.
90 gal bowfront reef tank, Berlin Red Sea Skimmer, using a mesh sock(not for your foot) to catch debris in sump, 4+ inch sea bed for natural bio.
By the way, I just set up QT Tank on 5/14 but lost the fish overnight.
Definetly QT'ing from now on all new fish.
Terry also noticed 3 blotches about the diameter of a small pencil eraser on the side and belly of a convict tang I got about 2.5 weeks ago. The blotches are greyish black specs. Any clue? Back Ick? hope not.
Behavior: Convict eatting well (Ocean Nutrition Formula 2, 2x light dailey, garlic 3x per week), ocassionally scrapes sides on substrate. Starting to hang in front lower corner swimming into current.
Can these be treated in display tank?

bill f

Hi Terry, thanks for your help. I'm new to this so I'm trying to give you what think you need to know.
There is no red in the blotches. The blotches themselves have tiny greyish/black dots within them.
As of today, 5/18 this irritation seems to be fading.
Again all levels are right on, pH, ammonia, nitrate and nitrite.
Could you give me an idea of what kind of info usually helps?
Thanks again.