Sideways Anemone


New Member
I got a LTA yesterday and it seems to be doing well. The only thing is it seems to be laying on it's side. I was wondering if this was normal?


Some times they do that. If they want to right them self they will inflate themselves. Just watch it and make sure it does not start to melt. Welcome to the board. How long have you had the tank? What type of lighting do you have also?


New Member
I've had the tank for about a year now, I have a Curent Nova Extreme T5 fixture with 2 54watt 10000k's and 2 54watt actinic blues. I also have a 2 65watt sunpaq CF's. I'm hoping to upgrade to MH sometime in the future. The LTA seems to be doing fine. He eats good and has wedged himself between 2 peices of rock.


I once had a BTA and I place it on top of a rock. Next morning I went to check on it and it was gone. I looked and looked but could not find it, then I noticed a hole in the rock. There the BTA had crawled into the hole and hid. It took about 10 days then it slowly came out of the hole. SOunds like you have enough light for it.