Hello all, Im new to this message board. I have looked all over the net trying to find some facts on anemone stress signs. I am worried now that I did the research for my new addition after the fact. I would like to find out what signs I should be looking out for.
I am the proud owner of a new carpit anemone. I feel confident about my water quality as I use RO water for everything and do frequent water changes. I have a total of about 75 gallons in my system including the refugium and the display. My only concern is the temp range of my system. It has been bouncing between 80 and 85 degrees.
I have noticed that the anemone roots into the substrate. He has also uprooted a few times since I placed him in the tank (2 weeks). Should I be alarmed if the stem of the anemone is extended and elongated or stretched out when he uproots? His color has been consistent and olive green with stripes of various patterns. The yellow striped maroon clown is in love with his new host. The anemone is eating well and is sticky to the touch most of the time. I think I may be freaking out, so I need to know what to look for. I also heard it is very bad for the system when an anemone goes south.
I am the proud owner of a new carpit anemone. I feel confident about my water quality as I use RO water for everything and do frequent water changes. I have a total of about 75 gallons in my system including the refugium and the display. My only concern is the temp range of my system. It has been bouncing between 80 and 85 degrees.