Silicone Anemone


I am planning on buying a clownfish for my wife, but don't have sufficient light for an anemone so I was thinking about getting a silicone one. Do silicone anemone's actually work? and if they do do they last?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sptfyre51 http:///t/395035/silicone-anemone#post_3516286
I am planning on buying a clownfish for my wife, but don't have sufficient light for an anemone so I was thinking about getting a silicone one. Do silicone anemone's actually work? and if they do do they last?
Hello, and Welcome to the site!
You can get a pair of Clownfish, they don't need an anemone to survive... and most of the time, getting an anemone is no guarantee the clowns will even pay attention to it. It's best to get a clownfish PAIR because you like the fish, not because you want it to wallow in an anemone, and be disappointed.
I wouldn't get any fake coral or plants, they just let algae collect on them and look like crap in a week. Live rock (1 pound per gallon) is a must and if you like plants try Macroalgae...but be careful, not all macros are good in a display, and are better for a refugium.