I just received a Sump today from a deal on line here at the sight. Unfortunately it has a huge crack running 3/4 of the way down it.
What kind of silicone is fish friendly? I read on here before that is must NOT contain Product "X". I am NOT sure I can repair this.
I am hoping I can cut a pc. of plexiglass and just silicone the heck out of it up against the crack in the area it is cracked on the inside, but I do not want to use anything to hurt the critters....
I know there is a home depot silicone I can use, just not sure what it must NOT contain......
Please assist....
What kind of silicone is fish friendly? I read on here before that is must NOT contain Product "X". I am NOT sure I can repair this.
I am hoping I can cut a pc. of plexiglass and just silicone the heck out of it up against the crack in the area it is cracked on the inside, but I do not want to use anything to hurt the critters....
I know there is a home depot silicone I can use, just not sure what it must NOT contain......
Please assist....