Silicone work


I just finished gettiing my overflow in the tank with silicone. Was actually more annoying than I thought it would be. It looks more messy than I would like. This was the one part of building this tank that I was not looking foward to doing. At this point though, if it holds for the fresh water test, i'm going to leave it as is. How long should I wait to test it? 24 or 48 hours?


Well, it dried. I got about 5 inches of water in the tank. poked my head in the overflow chamber, and there was a very very slow leak. Its coming from the corner of the plexiglass that meets the bottom of the tank and the back wall.
Please someone tell me that I can patch this without having to cut the plexiglass out and start all over....... please?

my way

Active Member
As long as it's clean and fresh you should be ok. Silicone does not stick to acrylic very well though.