Silly but fun question


Do y'all name your fish?
I named the one that I have right now Spike and I talk to him whenever i'm in the room. My husband thinks i'm nuts.


Active Member
My little brother names all our fish:
3 chromis- chromy, chroma, chrome
sixline wrasse- sixy
foxface- foxy
bicolor blenny- midnight
percula clown- emo nemo (that one was my idea)
firefish- spikey


Active Member
I think it's cute when little ones name their fish but I think it's rather silly for an adult to name something that can't respond to it's given name...


Oh, you bet! My mom and I both name our fish! In my tank so far I have 2 false percs: Giggles and Chuckles, a cleaner shrimp named gumbo, and I have a lawnmower blenny arriving later this week that I think will be named Squidly (one of my students named that one).


Well sure I do (my wife does too)
Cleaner Shrimp - Hazel (after the old show where Hazel was the maid)
Watchman Goby - Wally
Maroon Clown - Red Skeleton the 2nd
Blue Damsel - Blue Boy
Yellow Damsel - Sunny
Lawnmower Blenny - Edward (after Edward sissorhands)
Kind a fun they seem to know when we are talking to them.


Active Member
Percs: nemo and nema
Pink/Blue spotted shrimp goby: Goby
Coral Beauty: Zippy
big emerald crab: monster
small gorilla crab: (can't say with kids around)
people name their pets, regardless of their pets being able to know it.


Personally, I'm not inclined to do so, although the Mrs is.
In fact, she's already named one . . . first fish in our tank last weekend were our five blue-green chromis. While they're all generally the same size, one is just a bit smaller than the others so she's named it "Baby."
I do, however, talk from time to time to our fish, crabs and snails. No conversations deep or philosophical, just usually a "Good mornin' critters!" or "You've eaten all your food already, you guys aren't fish, you're pigs!"
To the crabs/snails, I'll usually throw a "Hey you lazy bums, that rock over there is coated in algea, move yer sorry butts over there and get to work!" at them. Just kidding them and they know I'm not serious, those little guys really earn their pay.
To each their own and no disrespect, but I have told the Mrs that if she even hints at naming any of our soon-to-be-acquired clowns "Nemo", she'll be hearing from a divorce lawyer most rikki-tik.


Active Member
Originally Posted by f14peter
Personally, I'm not inclined to do so, although the Mrs is.
In fact, she's already named one . . . first fish in our tank last weekend were our five blue-green chromis. While they're all generally the same size, one is just a bit smaller than the others so she's named it "Baby."
I do, however, talk from time to time to our fish, crabs and snails. No conversations deep or philosophical, just usually a "Good mornin' critters!" or "You've eaten all your food already, you guys aren't fish, you're pigs!"
To the crabs/snails, I'll usually throw a "Hey you lazy bums, that rock over there is coated in algea, move yer sorry butts over there and get to work!" at them. Just kidding them and they know I'm not serious, those little guys really earn their pay.
To each their own and no disrespect, but I have told the Mrs that if she even hints at naming any of our soon-to-be-acquired clowns "Nemo", she'll be hearing from a divorce lawyer most rikki-tik.
Maybe that's what irks me, when i hear people call their clowns Nemo...


Originally Posted by Jmick
Maybe that's what irks me, when i hear people call their clowns Nemo...

Have a neighbor that named his Tomato Clown " Omen " Nemo backwards because everybody knows "Nemo" was orange ........ :hilarious :hilarious


Originally Posted by indydirk
Have a neighbor that named his Tomato Clown " Omen " Nemo backwards because everybody knows "Nemo" was orange ........ :hilarious :hilarious
Now that's clever!
I know it's difficult if there's youngins in the house to resist the Nemo name for a clown, but to me it's like having an orange tabby and calling it "Morris", or "Garfield".
I'll stand here nice and still now while everyone with a clown named "Nemo" gather up their tar and feathers . . .

30-xtra high

Active Member
i don't see why you would mind... it's like when kids name their dog spot., it's just the name that comes to mind


Active Member
Bennie the BiColor Blenny
Bananarama the Yellow Clown Goby
Jacques the Cleaner Shrimp
Scooter the male mandarin dragonet
Tonka the orange spotted diamond goby
Ellie Mae the blue cheeked fairy wrasse
Dumb and Dumber the two ocellaris clowns
Squirt the lime derasa clam


I have a superstition that if you name fish, they die. My first two clowns that I got I had named Howie and Sherm, they died two days after I got them. I haven't named my two clowns that I have now. I thought I'd test my theory out on my neon gobies a few months ago and I named them Harriet and Gunt, they also died. All the fish I that have now haven't been named, I just call them my little guys.


Actually my kids name all of my fish. They are working on names for most of the fish but thus far:
Mated Clown Pair--Marvin and "Nemo's Mommy"! I don't think they can remember Nemo's moms name since she was only in the movie a minute or two.
Orange spot gobies (2)--Digger and Dugger.


Active Member
Nemo's mommy's name is Coral!
I think the funniest thing about this is the names for the chromis. We buy them in groups and then naming them is just plain trouble!
2 red cigar wrasse- Bamma and Jamma
1 tomato clown- Salsa
Mandarin fish- Camille
Yellow tail blue damsel- Torino
Sally lightleg- Hortence
and yep, 2 chromis- Bumper and Tailpipe


Active Member
Nemo's mommy's name is Coral!
I think the funniest thing about this is the names for the chromis. We buy them in groups and then naming them is just plain trouble!
2 red cigar wrasse- Bamma and Jamma
1 tomato clown- Salsa
Mandarin fish- Camille
Yellow tail blue damsel- Torino (sig.other is a Ford guy
Sally lightleg- Hortence
and yep, 2 chromis- Bumper and Tailpipe