Silly Question :)



I have a 75 gallon tank with a yellow tang, domino damsel, and picasso trigger :)
Im getting more fish in the coming months...
Here is my silly question...
I have a few rocks with holes in them that the fish swim through, and a few big pieces of dead coral. (I know that some of you are very against coral, but I honestly didnt know anything about it when I set up my tank. In the future, I will probably stick with rocks)
Anyway, at night, I see the trigger looking around for a place to crash, and he cant seem to find one
LOL... eventually he does find one and flips onto his side, but I'm wondering with the addition of more fish, should I add more rocks for hiding places. I already have a few good things, but most of them arent the best to hide behind... thanks in advance for taking the time to answer a ridiculous question

mr . salty

Active Member
No such thing as silly qustions,I hope. It seems all mine seem silly. I don't see how you could have too much rock. Especially live rock. Do you have LR? The more "hiding spots" the better. Especially if your planning to add more fish. They all need to stake there own claims. Good luck. STEVE


i agree. by adding live rock you help the filtration of the tank, cause live rock help break down fish waste. also, they provide hiding places for your fish which reduces their stress. fish really need their own space in the tank. added bonus, tag alongs. when you buy live rock, you get all these neat creatures that smuggle themselves into your tank on the live rock. you wont see them at first, but give it a week or so. the point is that live rock is really cool.
[This message has been edited by otto13 (edited 06-13-2000).]


Mitch, it would be a good idea to add more rock at the same time you add your new fish. It will take the stress of the new fish you add away from your existing inhabitants, and provide a home for all. I love all of the live rock I have, and highly recommend getting as much as you can. Just remember, no copper or meds in a tank with live rock.
In my new tank, my fish have plenty of space and live rock instead of the coral and now with the extra holes and rock, my pufferfish had decided to rest on the glass of the tank instead of on all this new wonderful live rock. I don't know why, but I guess whatever she likes the best!