Silver Arowana



I feel really stupid about posting this. But I have too. At least i posted it in the OT place.
My baby aro about 4in has ick and I think i know the steps but im not sure.
1. Raise Tempature
2. Add Salt
What kind of salt do i add .. ? Rock salt .. ? Eating salt .. ? SALTWATER MAKING SALT ?
Im tottaly confused and I really want this ick to leave my FW tank alone.
i feel like a dork doing this ...


Active Member
I would think you can use saltwater making salt....or if you feel better go out and buy "aquarium salt" :D Every fish/petstore would have it maybe near their carbon or medication area.


Active Member
i've had fresh tanks for 'bout 20yrs since i was 7 or so and salt only worsens your prob. salt in perfect doses would cure in the old days, but then frequent water changes of perfect freshwater were not recognized. i'd do a water change twice a week with good ro/di water mixed with an ich remedy. get the mix perfect to the water change size, not your tank size. do that 2-3 times weekly and it'll help out alot more than salt.
if you do decide to use salt then expect to have to gradually take all of that salt out when your fish start to look better. i do mean gradually and don't forget a water change. it's like throwing a brackish water fish into your fresh tank.
no rock salt or eating salt, only saltwater salt. that's sold for about the same price as fish salt so why not use it? although why not use ich remedy instead?
oph was right according to my dad and gpa, with today's ich meds and readily available waters there's easier ways than salt imo.
imo. :thinking: