Silver tip Xenia's sick


New Member
I got a small branch of silver tip xenia but it's shriveled up and closed tightly. Looks like he's been boiled as he's really small now. He was "bleeding" some redish liquid came out of him and something keeps knocking the little rock that he's on to the floor each night (hermies--i just got 5 of them the other day). He had blisters on him yesterday and he looks like he's detaching from the base of the rock. is he going to live? what can I do to help it? :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by poppydaisy
I got a small branch of silver tip xenia but it's shriveled up and closed tightly. Looks like he's been boiled as he's really small now. He was "bleeding" some redish liquid came out of him and something keeps knocking the little rock that he's on to the floor each night (hermies--i just got 5 of them the other day). He had blisters on him yesterday and he looks like he's detaching from the base of the rock. is he going to live? what can I do to help it? :happyfish
xenias one of those corals that just dont work in some peoples tank,for no reason what so ever,good luck , but it does sound like its dieing


Active Member
Cut a stalk down close to its base. I do this to frag my pulsing xenia all the time, and new xenia grow out of the base very quickly. Maybe you can get a new one to grow to replace the one that isn;t going to make it. And all will not be lost.


New Member
my pom pom xenia's are doing fine but it's the silver tip that's not doing well. He's almost down to nothing with a few branches still hanging on. I'm still hopeful he can make a come back. Thanks for all your help! :happyfish