Simple LR Question

mike j

I'm a beginner at this so take it easy. I've heard you can have anywhere from 2 lbs of LR per gal., to none at all. Is it as necessary to have higher amounts of LR (2lbs/gal. for example) in a fish only tank?
I realize it is an excellent source of filtration and shelter, but if it isn't for a reef, should there still be as much?
Thanks in advance!


IMO 1.5 lbs per gallon but that is optional. You don't necessarily need that much LR depending of the kind of fish you want. I myself am in the process of getting more. It will also help you cycle your tank faster.


Active Member
none at all is necessary, but as you mentioned, it does provide food shelter and filtration for your tank, as well as decoration and (help with )stability
i woudl not build another system without it, IMO, i owuld have 1.5 to 2 lbs per gallon, but in a fish only NONE is the manditory number, but the more the better, only thing is, is that many reefer's start off with a fish only, adn most of us wind up converting to a reef at some poinnt in time

mike j

True, but I am a high school student with only a part time job, money is hard come by. I am finding out how expensive this hobby can be and would doubt turning reef any time soon.
Thank you very much for your advice, it has certainly helped substantially. Would you then recommend live sand over aragonite for a substrate? I have no idea of the cost difference considering LFSs around here seem to feel there is little value in having it.


Active Member
aragonite is better than silica, but if you can not get aragonite locally, many prople are rhaving successs with silica sand to, you can use dry and seeed it with a little ls,ati will become live soon,
same for rock ,if you are on a tight budget, you can get base rock or tufa rock(i personally would not use any other substitutes), and seed it some with lr, lr is better, but soem of the other mentioned, can work, it will take quite a bit of time, but in time they too will house coraline algae and bacteria
or yet another option is to buy some, and slowly add lr until you have your desired amount, no more than a piece or 2 every couple of weeks
HTh and good luck


You can pick up sand at a local home depot for less than 5.00 for 50lbs. Then you can order a small amount of lr and ls from online or a local fish store. Like fshub said, you can add lr little by little. It will help out in the long run. My last tank had only 10lbs of lr and was unsuccesful. My current tank has over 50lbs and the results are great. Good luck.