Simple question about feeding fish


I have a peaceful tank. Clowns, firefish, etc. that I feed every other day.
I feed mysis, brine, and marine cuisine. I like to mix 2 or 3 of them at a time and feed together.
Here's what I do:

Day 1- Mysis/ Brine
Day 2- Mysis/ Mar Cuis.
My question is, why is it that in most threads, people alternate the foods?
For example, what other ppl do
Day 1-mysis
Day 2- Brine
Day 3- Marine Cuisine.
Is my way bad?


Come on...EVeryone feeds their fish. Can no one tell me if what there's a reason why most people feed differently?


Active Member
Just for variety.. sometimes mixing food just causes too much food at a time.
I take a cube of brine shrimp -- feeds my whole tank.. but if i took a cube of brine and a cube of mysis I'd be overfeeding -- something you don't want to do.

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by woody189
Come on...EVeryone feeds their fish. Can no one tell me if what there's a reason why most people feed differently?

I feed like 10 def foods
If you feed (small) amounts at a time it will be ok
I feed 3 kinds of flakes
3 kinds of pilits
4 frozen foods
3 kinds of sheet alg.
I do a small bit at a time and all good
A varied diet is good. I feed every other day so they can get some excercise hunting their own food on the days I don't feed. Just be careful of overfeeding because that is an easy to do problem that has long term issues.


Active Member
I'm lazy. I only rotate when the cube of frozen is gone.
I don't think there's a huge benefit from rotating daily. But as someone who uses 1/4 of a cube a day, I don't want to have too much open at a time.


Thanks for the input.
What I do is I take about 4-5 cubes of mysis, chop them up. THen chop up 4-5 cubes of brine, and marine cuisine.
I then put them in separate ziploc sandwich bags and take a small piece or two of whatever I feel like feeding. It works out to about 1/8 cube of mysis and 1/8 cube of brine for example.
Each bag lasts me along time. That way i don't have to chop up the pieces every other day.
The food doesn't dry out or anything in the bags.
I figured it was OK considering ppl blend a thousand and one foods together but was just wondering.