Simple Question?


As some of you know, I will be setting up a reef relatively soon and I was wondering if I should use IO reef crystals or Sea salt and what the differences really are. Theres not much of a price difference, but I was going to buy (2) 200gal boxes (one to start all 150g of my tank, plus whatever sump I have) and one to (first take up whatever extra over 200g the sump gives me) maintain it through a couple water changes. I didnt know if there was really that much of an advantage or disadvantage going with the -- over the sea salt or vice versa. If you could help me out here, I would be greatly appreciative.
Thanks in advance :)


Active Member
Mark, All I know is I use IO and I buy it in the boxes, like you said, from the Dr's site cause it's cheap and the shipping in flat rate.
I like the IO reef crystals. I like the added trace elements. It's enough for me (cause I keep softies and leathers) that I don't have to dose. I used to use regular IO salt but with the reef crystals, I have seen improved coraline algae color and growth, and also really good coral color and growth, even in my softies. The price is only a little more, and I actually save this way. If I had to buy all of those trace elements to dose, I would have spent WAY more than the extra 10 bucks that it costs for the salt.
Reef crystals for the win!


Sounds good to me.

I have read that, I just wanted a first-hand account I guess. If you get the 200g boxes, the price difference is just $5 I believe, so if the --(forgot R..C can standfor something other than reef crystals. No more acronym for that
) is indeed better for the trace elements, Thats the one I will be getting.


Active Member
I am not sure if there is something better than IO reef but It is the cheapest around me. And I order those boxes online and they are shipped right to my door.
Like I said, if you aren't keeping like TONS of sps and high calcium stuff, then I think the trace elements will be just right for you, like they are for me.
Occasionally I dose calcium but It only because I am lazy on my water changes, and I don't have a huge bioload. So I just add a little calcium and I am good. :) lol
I also use reef crystals in my reef and will never change. I don't dose anything and I have a very heavily stocked tank with lps and sps, I have great growth and results.
I think there is a majority of people on this site that use them.