Since there isn't an "Aquarium" anymore ...

I just thought you guys might enjoy some pics of my recent vacation to Oahu (Hawaii). Most of these are going to be of Lanakai Beach where I snorkeled EVERY day for about 2-3 hours. I got to see all kinds of stuff and I can thank the vacation for the money pits, I mean tanks.
Any way enjoy ...
This is from on top of the "hill" looking down in to Lanakai Beach. You can see the coral I got to snokel in ...
Here's my "rent-a-car" for the 2 weeks...That's right Audi TT Quattro (it's my dad's). For all you rice-burners out there, you ain't got NOTHIN'...just bring it...:D I did race a couple of Hondas and the like, none of them won and a del Sol dropped a tranny.....amature !!! Anyway ...
I have alot more if you guys want to see them .... To include a sea turtle we swam with at Hanauma Bay !!!
If there is interest, I'll post more ...


I had a 5.0 mustang cobra that absolutely hauled a** then the xwife talked me into getting a different car, I got a 1999 civic Si, pretty good for a 4 banger but god I miss that 5.0, next spring I'm going to buy another 5.0

aqua blue

I think that is Rabbit Island on the left and Chinaman's Hat Island on the right. Nice pics. How long were you there? How do you like those constant tradewinds?
We have to stir up a tropical storm or hurricane to get a steady breeze like that down here.


Active Member
Hey don't leave us hanging give us some more, better yet take us along next trip. I'll buy the beer and reserve for the diving if you buy the plane tickets. :D :D :D
I'll post some more tonight. I'll get the pics of the turtle and the domino damsels (I think).
Aqua Blue ... you are thinking about 25 miles north. I think I have a pic of Chinaman's hat. These are 2 little "hills" of the beach (maybe .5 mile). We kayaked out there and the one on the left is a bird sanctuary. They are everywhere !!! There were all kinds of little fish and crabs all over that island.
Check this out....we paid $1100 (TOTAL) for 2 RT tickets. You do the math. We paid about 1/2 price for them. Gotta check on the specials !!!


Mike, VERY nice ride. I have always liked the TTs especially the quatros. I think the ******** they offered (i believe in 99 or 00) which was the "baseball stiched" leather ******** was IMO the nicest ******** on any car I have seen. Convertable in Hawaii, MUST BE NICE!
P.S. Although I gotta say it...... to get that car to 1600 lbs you would have to drop the engine, tranny, and frame! :) It tips the scales at 3472.
Comparitively speaking, it is light as he** !!! My dad's has the baseball ********. He also had "the chip' as he put it in there which bumped it to 280hp. It was a bit overwhelming, especially as you were on H1 or the Kam Hwy and were crusing at about 65 in 6th. Then some -stang or Camaro came up and looked at you. You drop it to fourth, and never see them again, then realize you are at about 90 and still have 5th and 6th to go !!!
The car is INSANE as far as power goes. If you get a chance, drive one !!!


Hey i just returned from Maui on Oct. 1. I snorkled several times in the bays and took lots of pic. As soon as I get them back will try to scan and post to share with everyone. I did not get to swim with the turtles...kept missing them guess they had an attitude with me or something cause everyone else them but seem like I just missed them:( . Hopefully my pics turn out. My husband and I were feeding the fish at Napili Bay and he got bit by a Stars and Stripe puffer. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen, only thing was the puffer drew blood and then came back for more. He was about 2 ft long I would say.. I took pics of it so i will post if it turns out as you know those underwater cam are not the best. I cant laugh without telling the story...lmao
I told my husband he got bit because he is full of Pis* and vinegar and they liked the smell:D


Active Member
You got 2 RT tickets from DC to HI for $1100. That's better than half price depending on the time of year. Where did you catch that deal?

aqua blue

Yeah, now that I look at the pictures again I believe there was more of an open park like area on the shore by Chinaman's Hat and not all those houses. But it has been a while since I was there.
I lived there from 1969 - 1973 and have been back three times since then the last time being June of 1997. Sounds like you had a real good visit and made some of those memories that can't be taken away. It is a special place.