Single white spot.


My new Percula has a single white spot on his body. It is shaped like a tiny grain of rice, and slightly raised. He has had it for 3 days now, but is acting OK. He is eating, no scratching, I gave him garlic soaked food as a precaution. Any ideas? I was expecting that if it was ick, it would have spread by now. This is my first fish, so I am lost.


hi, my new perculas also had them 3 weeks ago when i bought them. they seemed to enjoy the garlic soaked brine shrimps and the chopped tiny garlics. a week ago all these raised up white spots disappeared. just to share experience. garlic must had worked.


Thanks for the input. What a bummer it would be if I lost my very first fish immediately, considering all the work I have done to ensure everything is as close to perfect as is possible.
He loves the garlic!
[ November 27, 2001: Message edited by: squidbait ]


Staff member
It is probably just a single parasite which all fish have, especially new ones that have just gone thru the stress of their lives before getting into your tank.
Maintain good water quality. Continue feeding with garlic and don't add any new fish for now. Keep a close eye out for developments.


Unless something is seriously wrong your clown should be fine. I had a serious tank crash last summer...tank got over 100 degrees for at least 10 days :( Clowns were fine! Just keep an eye on them . Enjoy them they are my favorite! :D


New Update:
In looking closer at the white spot, it almost looks cotton-like. I did a search on cotton and got some different answers. Could it be a fungus? If so, do I let it run its course? It does not seem to be bothering him at all. He is eating well. I think he is sick of garlic though and is getting picky. I did set up a HT just in case I need to take action. I even read a post with someone recommending taking it off manually, and others suggesting anti-biotics. With all the different info out there, it is hard to make a decision.