sinners girls crab


sinner's girl

hey, yeah hides in the barnical, only comes out at night i guess but i've never seen it out of the barnical. I can get a look at it if i put a piece of shrimp in the barnical. He came on a piece of this green lr. Sinner broke the lr apart trying to get him out about 6mns or so ago. It can live out of water for a little while. When we moved the lr from one tank to the other we forgot about it, so it wasn't aclimated. When his lr was moved into the 55gl with the barnical in it he moved and now lives in the barnical. He hasn't bothered anything that I know of...
it is a side way walker...i remember it pinched the stick when Sinner tried to pull it out of the lr...
Since I haven't seen it in awhile I can't really remember much about's not a CBS, not an arrow crab, or a sally lightfoot... body shape is like an Anemone Crab...tomorrow night after lights out i'll watch the tank... i'll try to get him to come out for a piece of shrimp. If I can i'll hook up the webcam and maybe get a pic or at least be able to say what he looks like.
(can't tonight i have a major law test tomorrow).

sinner's girl

hey i see him! he's out of the barnical and on the outside of the lr he came on. I'm shocked! i've never seen him out of his lr or barnical but sinner says he has, just not that often.
purple and white legs...boby size b/w nickle and a penny...body purple and light purple splated, black pincher claws, he's molted...i found a claw.
can't get a pic right now, webcam not set up.
he's a trooper i'll give him that...we got him before the summer...close to a year...he's never been aclamated since we didn't know he was there....
the lights are on, he's out eatting off the lr...
I'm going to go give him some shrimp! and try to find the serpent star...went to do my nightly count and didn't see the serpent.
let me know if you can id it. i'd like to know.