SiO2 ?


when it comes to most things in a reef, including Silicone Oxide, prevention is better than the cure.
Firstly, silicates are found in a natural reef and some creatures depend on them for survival so you are not looking to eradicate them entirely. However, they are not needed at very high levels so I would suggest the following:
1) Use RO or RO/DI water for all water that goes in the aquarium
2) Use Calcereous sand instead of silicate sand
That's should just about clear up your problem.


Ok I just installed an RO system in the house for the reef and I measure 2 PPM in the RO and I use it for water changes and right after I do one the reef breaks out with dantoms. It grows on all the bare spots of the rock how can I control them I read it is eather SiO2 or excess nutritious I cut down on feeding and their still there.