Siphon Pump for water changes


I found a siphon pump for like $3 in the plumbing section of meijers. It is supposed to be for plumbing purposes, obviously, but it works awesome for my water changes!
It looks like a long turkey baster, with a hose coming off the top. You squeeze the bulb and it sucks up algae or flatworms. If you squeeze twice quickly, it starts a constant siphon. I had to add a piece of tubing I removed from my proper siphon kit (the kind designed for aquariums) to extend the hose to reach my waste bucket. I can clean out hair algae and flatworms and change the water without swallowing aquarium water - or even getting my hands wet!


Well-Known Member
Well, good for you. Have fun with it. I don't have a Meijers anywhere around where I live. I wish you could give us the actual name and brand of the unit...


Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33
Well, good for you. Have fun with it. I don't have a Meijers anywhere around where I live. I wish you could give us the actual name and brand of the unit...

It's a Duk Shin, but you'd have to look REALLY close at it to see the name. They probably have them at Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Ace, Menards, or any other store with a plumbing department.