six line and yellow wrasse


OK, I'll be first. This is what I have experienced with both species.
1). They are both very attractive, alluring species.
2). Unless you keep a DSB, most likely the Yellow Wrasse will become fish jerky eventually. (Lids are necessary with this species). Yellows grow larger than their kin.
3). Both species will wipe out your pod population within a seemingly short amount of time. A fuge will be needed to keep up your population of snacks.
4). IMHO, Six-Line Wrasses are harder to maintain/care for than a Yellow Wrasse.
5). Six-Lines are usually passive, but also wimpier than their kin is. I had one in a FO system, (A Yellow) at dinnertime, he would scrap with the Clown Trigger and Moray making sure that he got his :).
6). IMHO, Yellows seem to adjust better when switching food types. Six-Lines seem to be more finicky about options of food selections.
7). Yellows are master Magicians. They can disappear within a blink of the eye.
8). The bigger the tank the better for both species!
9). Six-Lines are a hit or miss proposition. Sometimes they seem to waste away even though all perimeters are within normal limits.
& 10). Neither should be attempted by a novice or introduced into a non-established tank.



Active Member
Not to be contrary to hirock but my sixline is a pig with no two ways around it. He eats anything and everything until his belly is bulging. He is also farely bold and will hold is own against my yellow watchman. But anyhow great personality and very beautiful fish. But from what I have heard most sixlines are like hirocks. Good luck choosing a fish.