six line compatability question(s)


New Member
need some thoughts or opinions here. i
have a likening for both of a six line wrasse and also a strawberry/purple pseudo..
are they in any way, shape, or form compata-
ble with each other in a 30 gal ?.if not,
which one would you choose and why ? and are
either hardier or easier than the other ?
thanx, deerleaf


Active Member
I have at the moment a couple of 6 lines in different tanks, and one is in my 135 with others including a Pseudochromis with no problems. The secret to a happy 6 line is rockwaork or places for it to retreat when necessary. My 6 line in that tank is the smallest fish in there and is now just over 4 years old and has never shown a bite mark or any illness. Altho they do not get large they are delightful in the way they bend their bodies around the rocks as they move. Also they have a unusual ability in how their eyes move, but it is rather lengthy to get into. My other one is in my reef tank for the last year and has been a good fish and caused no problems at all.


Active Member
I have a six line they are a pleasure to watch. The purple pseudo can be very agressive and a 30 would be too small for both of them.