Six line wrasse and cleaner shrimp???



Two weeks age I bout a cleaner shrimp and in about 3 days it was dead. Today I go buy 2 more cleaner shrimp one just a little bigger then the other one. Well I noticed my wrasse was kinda aggressive toward the little shrimp now I think he is dead but the bigger one is ok. I have a few peppermint shrimp that I see in the tank. Is it known for a six line to kill cleaner shrimp? If so the six line will come out in the morning.


Active Member
I don't recall reading anywhere that Sixlines may become aggressive towards cleaner, or any shrimp. If the shrimp are very small, I can imagine them looking suspiciously like lunch. I have had Sixlines and cleaner shrimp and they ignore each other, but they are similar sized.
Are you sure the shrimp was properly acclimated?


I have personal experiance with this one. I kept loosing inverts left and right. 3 cleaner shrimp, 2 pistol shrimp and a few crabs. I originally thought my ph was spiking or out of whack until one day I saw my pistol shrimp reconstructing his house under a live rock and my sixline came up, grabbed him and disappeared. About one wrasse in fifty are absolute horrors to the tank. I had to get rid of mine.


Done got all himout and took to the store and traded for a dragon goby.