Six line wrasse passing


i just bought my six line wrasse two days ago, he found a nice hiding place in the hole of some live rock. i fed him yesturday he came out and ate with no problem.. this morning he was swimming around and going in and out of the rock as usual, then a few hours later i went to feed the fish but he didnt come out i waited a few hours and he never came out so i picked the rock up and he came out and floated to the bottom and lay there breathing very hard 6 hours later he did not improve so i went to move to a hospital tank but he died in transit... he had some sand stuck to his bottom fins like there was something growing there... do i dunno what killed him him so rapidly but the clown in the tank is doing just fine as he has for the past 2.5 weeks... any ideas?


params? I had the same problem with a sixline before... had the exact same symptoms as yours... in my case, I think my damsel bullied him to death because he was a bit smaller and had abrasions on the base of his tail. Are there any territorial tankmates? If there are, try a bigger one. A while later, I got a bigger one, and he stood his own and now he and the damsel are buds.