Six-Line Wrasse possible Popeye Problem

blue dew

This is not a forum I really ever wanted to post in but I would like some advice on my problem. I believe my Six-Line Wrasse has developed Popeye in his right eye. The eye is a cloudy gray color and protrudes from the side of his head somewhat. Other eye is fine. The wrasse appears to be swimming and eating as well as ever. He has been in the tank about a month now. He was not quarantined as he should have been. The other fish in the tank are two Percula clownfish that are doing fine, swimming normally and always hungry. Their eyes look fine. Not white spots on any of the fish. I'm not sure if it important, but the two clowns were aqua-cultured, but I'm pretty sure the wrasse was not. All fish are from the same shop, and I've never seen a lot of dead fish in their tanks, nor have I had any problems before. The tank is a 30 gallon reef with corals (soft) and inverts, so I know I can't treat anything in there.
I purchased a 10 gallon tank and penguin bio-wheel filter to set up a hospital tank today. I won't have good salt water until tomorrow afternoon though. I understand that a medicine called "macacyn-2" might be appropriate.
I first noticed the problem with my wrasse yesterday. He dosn't stay still for long and spends most of his time in the rocks. I'd been away for a few days, so I'm not 100 percent sure when the problem developed.
My water parameters are as follows:
SG: 1.0245
PH: 8.1
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 0-.05 (Been zero for awhile, but lost a big turbo on friday so might have had a little spike).
ALK: 3.0
Temp: 80
I perform a 5 gallon water change every 2 weeks and I'm running a skimmer. Never have been able to get the PH up to 8.3. I do not run a buffering agent but am adding Bi-Ionic 2 part to raise my calcium somewhat (was 380).
Am I on the right track? I know I should have set up a QT tank and that problem will not happen again. I would like to save the wrasse if at all possible. Thanks,


Staff member
Yes, sounds like you're on the right track. I suggest doing a large water change in your main tank before moving the fish over. Also, try soaking your fish food in garlic and offer it. Garlic has a mild antibiotic quality.
If the situation gets worse, then you can move the fish to the QT and treat with the Maracyn 2.

blue dew

Thanks for the reply. I've got 5 gallons of water ready to go now, so I'll get another 5 gallon batch ready this evening then do 10 at once. In the 30 gallon tank I have 35lbs or so of live rock and a 2-21/2 inch sand bed. That will be a bit less than 1/2 my water. The six-line ate good again tonight. I'll let you know how it goes.