Six line wrasse that has lost his mind


I've got a questions about my six line. I have noticed whenever my crabs molt this little fish goes crazy. He has never ever messed with anyone in the tank he stays to himself while he cruises the rock. My anemone crab has lost both of this claws now because of this little guys weird behavior. It only happens when someone molts. Are they giving off a smell of some kind that is making him nuts. He has even gotten into my anemone to get my anemone crab, now he only did it once
and he learned his lesson but if he catches my anemone crab sitting on the side he hovers as close as he can trying to grab him. I've researched and researched and I cant find any answers. I love my little guy but I love my inverts more and if he grabs one more claw im going to have to choke his little fishy neck
...Any answers as to what might be going on I would appreciate them..Thanks


Sorry for your loss,
I too have a six line wrasse and when I introduced a cleaning crew, this guy had his way with them. I'm not sure if they had enough cover or they just wanted to venture across the sand but when they did it was over. I thought it might be under feeding ?? I don't think so ! maybe too much ?? I have lost a few crabs, shrimp and snails. Maybe it's a trait they have ??But in the same tank my Yellow tang looked like he was messing with my Coral Banded Shrimp. ?? The problem I am having is that I can't monitor the tank to much


Not sure if the molting is causing it, or if he is just crazy. I recently had to take a sixline out of my reef after he ate my fire shrimp, harlequin shrimp, and killed my flasher wrasse. He started divebombing my healthy, fully grown, prepared-food-eating mandarin and that was all i could take. I think they are a fish that is hit or miss with aggression. Once he starts showing it though, I'd get him out.


WOW, my sixline is a model citizen of my reef. Every now and then he and my maroon clown will stare each other down when he gets close to the clowns bubble tip, but thats it. I hope it didn't just jinx myself.


Mine also went after my Mandarin, but will not bother anyone else because they are all bigger. I think he's a little nuts, hit or miss, as with a lot in this hobby.


Thank you guys for the replays. I'm about to go to a bigger thank and some of my little guys can't move to the bigger tank so my cute little hellian will stay in the small tank without some of his friends to pick on...kinda make it his own tank. Again thanks for the replys.