Six Line Wrasse

I've read that they are peaceful fish and can be mixed with other six lines. It also said that if you put too many in a small tank it would cause fighting, anyone have any experiences? If so please share, I am looking to place 2 in a 38 gal, but do not want to have any fighting occur. Thanks

florida joe

Well-Known Member
IMO you are tossing a coin on the sixline being aggressive or not ( my sixline is extremely aggressive to new tank mates )


Active Member
Mine got beat up by my hawkfish for awhile after I added my 6. Now the 6 is a little aggressive!

noah's nemo

My 6 line is very calm and never bothers anyone.His tankmates are not excatly pushovers though...I think in a 38 gallon however,i would only go with one.


my sixline tends to pick on new guys as well. he wont leave the poor dragonet alone.


Originally Posted by raf
my sixline tends to pick on new guys as well. he wont leave the poor dragonet alone.
Be careful with this, they both eat an enormous amount of copepods and will get more aggressive over time, especially if the population starts to decrease. My sixline killed many fish on me, including a Target mandarin.
As FloridaJoe states, it really is a 50/50 chance you take with how aggressive they are. That being said, I would not put 2 in anything under 100G, you're just asking for aggression problems.
Keep in mind that these fish swim fast, learn every inch of your rock work within minutes of being added to the tank and weave in and out of the rocks. It's virtually impossible to catch one without tearing apart your tank, so if you do have aggression issues, it will turn into a major problem.
If you're set on having 2, add them together. Also, make a sixline one of the last additions, this tends to lessen aggression.


My 6-line wrasse went after both my tangs for a while after i introduced the tangs into the water. Now my 6-line wrasse and sunrise dottyback are going after each other. Both like and need rocks to play and swim in.
My 6-line currently likes to start chasing other fish but the other fish ignore him and thats that.


Our six line pretty much ignores everyone in the tank unless they bully him, then he fights back and moves on his way like nothing happened. My own .02 (for what it is worth) is the smaller then tank, the more aggressive they tend to be. They like alot of rock as well, it keeps them busy. I'm not sure I would put one six line in a 38 gallon tank, I certainly would not put 2 in it!! I completely agree with the above post, you won't get them out without taking everything out of your tank and a huge headache.


Active Member
my six line was peaceful, it must have died a few nights ago somewhere in a rock because i havnt seen it for almost a week
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
Be careful with this, they both eat an enormous amount of copepods and will get more aggressive over time, especially if the population starts to decrease. My sixline killed many fish on me, including a Target mandarin.
As FloridaJoe states, it really is a 50/50 chance you take with how aggressive they are. That being said, I would not put 2 in anything under 100G, you're just asking for aggression problems.
Keep in mind that these fish swim fast, learn every inch of your rock work within minutes of being added to the tank and weave in and out of the rocks. It's virtually impossible to catch one without tearing apart your tank, so if you do have aggression issues, it will turn into a major problem.
If you're set on having 2, add them together. Also, make a sixline one of the last additions, this tends to lessen aggression.
thanks, I think I will add it when I add my flame angel, which will be my last fish.
great advice and appreciate the input