Six Line Wrasse


My sixline wrasse's stomach is a lot more "pot bellyed" in shape then when I first put it in my tank about 4 months ago.
Do you think it will lay eggs or is it just a pig :)
Has anyone experienced this before?
Thanks for the help:D


New Member
I had a 6-line for a couple of years and it did get a bit rotund over time. That is not to say that yours isn't preggers, but I think those things are very pretty rare and 4 months sounds like a long gestation period for a fish.


The fish hasn't been big for four months, just the last few days.
It is the only wrasse in the tank. I guess it is just eating good :)


My 6-Line is a hearty and agressive eater. It makes sure that it gets its fill at every meal and has the belly to show for it. I have had it in the tank for a month now.


not to still the thread but i have a question about 6 line wrasses.
ive been wanting one the guy at the lfs said it would be fine but he kinda seemed to be BSing me around about everything i asked. id like to add one to my reef but kinda wiery. i have snails crabs shrimp. various soft corals. would it eat all my pods?


From what I have experienced, the 6 line is very friendly to other tank mates. He is very fun to watch.
Depending on the size of your tank, and the amount of LR, its hard for one fish to eat all the pods in the tank, IMO. My 6 line eats all the frozen food I put into the tank. He's not a picky eater, thus why he probably has the big pot belly. If you feed the 6 line with other foods, it will stay away from eating too many pods.
I would get one. They beautiful, fun fish..:p


New Member
The one I had was pretty aggressive towards other fish that were it's size or smaller. It actually killed a Blue Damsel by chasing it relentlessly around the tank. It was also aggressive towards my peppermint shrimp, and was also implicated in its demise. I am not sure if they are all this way, but I think they tend to be pretty territorial if they have the opportunity. I don't know how they would treat corals, my guess is that since they are not a threat it would not bother them. That said I still think it is a cool fish, just be aware of its personality.