six line wrasse


I have had my six line for over a year. A little while back his colors looked as if they were bleeding into eachother. I don't know how else to explain it. It lasted for a couple of days and now his is back to his old self.
All of my water peramiters are fine and nothing was added or changed in the tank, other than water changes. Is this something I should worry about, or is it a semi normal thing for him to go through?


Hey, I don't know if that is normal, but when I first put my sixer in the tank one side looked like he just had no lines, just the background color. I though that maybe he had some type of disease, but it had been about 3 weeks and he seems fine and it seems the color is normal now. Maybe he was just stressed? I hope someone may know.


Active Member
It is not abnormal for fish and wrasses to change coloration depending on time of day and or stress factors. I have one wrasse that one day is multicolored and the next day the colors are more vibrant then it changes back.


Thanks for your input. I figured he was okay, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
Thanks again!