Six Line Wrasse


New Member
I have a 29 gal tank with 30lbs lr, 3 turbo snails, 2 hermit crabs, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 perc clown, 2 purple firefish, and a feather duster. Would it be okay to add a six line wrasse to this tank? I saw one at my lfs and fell in love with the little guy - he's sooo cool.
Any advise would be appreciated.
I would say you are fairly close to your max on bioload, if your filtration is good then I might give it a shot. If you do decide to get a sixline then I would stop there. 4 fish is quite a bit for such a small tank, but they are all small fish. If it was me I would stay at where you are for now, too many fish(especially in a small tank) will cause problems.